mis.sion.ary {noun}: someone who leaves their family for a short time, so that others may be with their families for eternity.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Farewell Pictures

My Eternal Family
Kahala, Kahi, Kamaile, Paka, Alana, Mom & Dad

Elder Durrett & Papa Jon Durrett in Utah

Jon, Kahi, Paka and Bobbie Durrett

Taking Elder Durrett through the temple for the first time!

Alana & Tyler Yates family saying goodbye at the airport

November 10, 2013- First Week

Hola papa y mama,

 So Thursdays are my prays (prep days for laundry and grocery shopping etc) and we only get 45 minutes to email families. But it has been great i live in Wyview which they made into a separate little MTC for just Spanish speaking missionaries. But i hear its a lot more laid back then the main campus but we got everything down here like a barber, laundry room, dry cleaner, creamery, and a book store so i am very blessed.

 So the Spanish has been tough especially the first couple days because they just non stop jam you with all kinds of stuff. My teacher is from Mexico and is a really awesome teacher that teaches with the spirit. My branch presidents is really cool and he's from Utah. His name is Pres. Bowen and his counselors are elder Mcracken and then Elder Doman. Elder Doman's little brother was the BYU football coach for that one year because i had heard that name before. But they are a great presidency that actually cares.

It's cold now and has been snowing on and off but at least the snow has not stuck. Im the only Hawaii boy from the Wyview campus and its kinda hard being by haoles 24/7 but it will be okay. They already got us teaching a fake investigator and it has been brutal. Half the time we are in the room looking down at our notes but then when she asks a question were done hahaha. I can understand her but i cant express my answers and feelings to her which is such a frustrating part about it.

I memorized the baptism invite in Spanish and she said she didn't know why she needed to get baptized twice because she is Catholic. I knew the answer but I couldn't express my feelings to her which is the worst feeling.

I have been working hard but been very impatient with myself even though it has only been my first week. Then while reading my scriptures I read of the sons of Mosiah who were impatient because they wanted to teach the Lamanites which was a pattern I found. Anytime a prophet in the Book of Mormon and the bible was converted and had a change of heart there first reaction was to teach the people of the fruit of knowledge like in Lehi's dream. But in Mosiah God told them to be patient but they were so ready! But when they obeyed god had prepared the Lamanite's unto the sons of Mosaiah so i guess i just need to be patient. Like the sons of Mosaiah. But it doesn't mean I'm doing bad in Spanish because I can pray. bear my testimony, say the missionary purpose, and invite others to baptism which is not too bad. I had a preconception that I could use my charms or my personal skills to baptize people but this whole time I was wrong. If i'm obedient and I am faithful then the SPIRIT will guide me to what I need to do. I m only an instrument of God and that the spirit does the teaching which really humbled me.

Well time is running short but let me know whats going on. I would like a box of candies and maybe my board shorts because everyone in my district got a box hahah My companion is okay he's from Snowflake Arizona and kind of a hick. But he is very spiritual which is important. He's 18 and a lot of times acts like it but L. Tom . Perry comes next week which is something I am excited for. But homework for you is to watch Bednar's talk on character of Christ because it changed my life. So ill quiz you next week.

Elder Durrett 
Love you guys! and the babies!    
**Elder Durrett speaks about Prophet's in the Book of Mormon, another book that testifies of Jesus Christ. We still believe in the Bible and use it also. All of these stories of Lehi, Mosiah and the Lanamite's can all be found in the Book of Mormon. Leave a comment for your free copy!
Elder Durrett at the Missionary Training Center in Utah


Welcome Friends and Family of Elder Durrett.

If you don't already know, Elder Jackson Durrett is serving a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is currently serving in the Torreon, Mexico Mission, speaking only Spanish; and will be near and around Torreon for the next two years. He is giving his own time, putting school, work and girls :) on hold; and giving of his own money to serve the people, the members and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What an amazing example Elder Durrett is to us and others, spreading the Gospel in Mexico, and we want to share it with all of you. His only form of communication home is a phone call on Christmas and Mother's Day, and weekly emails. Needless to say, we anxiously await each week to share in his testimony and learn of his experiences on the mission, the good, the bad, and the funny!

We, his siblings, nieces, nephews and parents will all take turns in sharing our thoughts, some pictures and of course his "spanglish" e-mails that he sends out every week so that you too can keep in touch with Elder Durrett!


Opening the long awaited Mission Call 
letter to see where he would spend the next two years of his life.